New York Bird & Nature Photography

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Mountain Mammals
About Me
Photo Usage Policy




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Welcome to my Western New York Bird & Nature Photography Website!

I recently (May 2007) moved permanently from Utah to Western New York (Rochester area). It will take some time for me to acclimatize myself to this new area. I hope to gradually update this site to include Eastern birds and nature photos. For the time being, the emphasis will be Utah, as the vast majority of my photographs were taken there over the past few years.

My primary reason for developing this Website is to share my interests in birds, wildflowers, the outdoors, nature, and photography with people who have similar interests.  In addition to bird photos I've taken, the link to Birds will also take you to a collection of beginning and intermediate Birding Aids developed by local birding experts in Utah.

Please click on Photo Usage Policy for my policy for using the copyrighted photos on this website.

Jim Bailey

Favorite Links


bullet Bob Marcotte's Bird Blog (Rochester D&C)
bulletRochester Birding Association
bulletNature Watch (Buffalo News)

Utah Bird Photography

bulletUtah Birds
bulletUtah Wings
bulletBird Utah
bulletJack Binch

 Jim Bailey

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This site was last updated 11/26/09